




樣品回復函范文N則 2012/8/24 14:24:00
       建議提供代用品   Dear Sir or Madam,   It is a pleasure to know of your continued interest in our products. The samples you have requested are now available and will be sent
寄送確認書范文 2012/8/24 14:22:00
        20 May 2005   Kee & Co., Ltd   34 Regent Street   London, UK   Dear Sirs:   We have great pleasure in enclosing copies of faxes exchanged between us res
外貿拒絕訂單函電的常用例句 2012/8/24 14:21:00
       1. Unfortunately, the goods you requested cannot be supplied from stock due to heavy commitments.   很遺憾,由于訂單堆積,您要的貨物無現貨可供。   2. The present supplies of raw materials
外貿函電套用語100句 2012/8/24 14:18:00
      1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that......   茲欣告你方......   2)We have the pleasure of informing you that......   茲欣告你方.....   3)We are pleased (glad) to inform you
關于鞋類產品詢價的回復信函 2012/8/24 14:18:00
        20 January 2004   Kee & Co., Ltd   34 Regent Street   London, UK   Dear Sirs:   We welcome your enquiry of 20th May and thank you for your interest in o
四種應對索要樣品的回復函 2012/8/24 14:14:00
        建議提供代用品   Dear Sir or Madam,   It is a pleasure to know of your continued interest in our products. The samples you have requested are now available and will b
怎樣寫最后一封催款信 2012/8/24 14:12:00
      I. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 常用語   1. How to start your letter?   You have not responded in any way to our recent letters about your past due account.   We remind you once more of yo
外貿函電寫作中常見的錯誤 2012/8/24 14:10:00
        在一些由中文 翻譯 的 英語 樣本、合同、廣告和其他文件材料中常見一些 翻譯 錯誤,現僅舉幾個出現頻率較高的例子,試作分析,謹供讀者朋友參考。   1. 由港澳國際投資公司投資的海口電站工程因其建設速度和質量得到高度評價。 原譯文:The Haikou Power Station Project invested by
對方未能如期開立信用證交涉信函 2012/8/24 14:08:00
      Dear Mr. Jones:   With reference to our Sales Confirmation No.825 dated August 10, 2002, we regret to say that your letter of credit has not yet reached us up to the time of wri
苛刻客戶回復信函范文 2012/8/24 11:58:00
        The prices are very high for us. For us to have the option to sell your products here in (country), we need an additional 30% discount.   Dear xxx,   I am glad
授權委托書(英漢對照) 2012/8/24 11:56:00
        在法律 英語 中,Power of Attorney和Proxy 均可用作表示授權的委托書,區別在于Power of Attorney所指的被委托人應為律師,即具有律師身份,而Proxy則無此種要求,即被委托人一般不需具備律師身份。   GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY   一般授權委托書   I
如何用英語寫收據 2012/8/24 11:55:00
        收據種類很多,有收條、借據、訂閱單、訂貨單等,是在跟對方發生錢和物的關系時寫給對方作為憑據的條子,起書面證據作用.在寫借據、收條時,寫字據的日期寫于右上角,然后寫明是"借"還是"收到","借"、"還"錢或物的名稱和數量.立據人寫于右下角.   例一:借款.   To Mr. Charles Green,   May
外貿接受條件的用句 2012/8/24 11:47:00
  Brief Introduction   在 進出口 貿易中,洽談交易程序一般按 詢盤 --發盤--還盤--接受--簽訂合同這五個環節來進行的。   接受是達成交易和訂立合同必不可少的環節。接受在法律上叫做承諾。它是指受盤人在發盤有效期內完全同意發盤的全部內容,愿意訂立合同的一種表示。   一項有效的接受一般必須具備以下條件:   一、它必須是受盤人對一項實盤的完全同意。
就重量不足索賠的電函 2012/8/24 11:42:00
      20 May 2000   Kee & Co., Ltd   34 Regent Street   London, UK   Dear Sirs:   We refer to sales contract no.564 covering the purchase of 200 metric tons of white cement.
休假信函例句 2012/8/24 11:32:00
       1、I feel very tired.我覺得很疲憊。表示精疲力竭,過度勞累時可以說:exhausted、fatigued、burnt-out.   例句:The project went on for over two years and by the end of it I was just burnt-out.   工程足
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